Information about accommodation at Atelier Austmarka.
- Kitchen and laundry facilities are available. It is the artist’s responsibility to feed themselves and clean up after themselves every day. Each artist gets 1 drawer in the kitchen and 1 shelf in the fridge.
- Private room – there are 5 small rooms that fit a single bed, bedside table and lamp (the soundproofing is not very good, so please be thoughtful to other artists).
- Shared studio space 77 meters squared
- 2 shared toilets and 1 shared shower (It is the artist’s responsibility to provide their own toiletries.)
- Free access to wireless internet.
- Shared living room space.
- Small study with window view (these are popular for writers, journalists and academics).
- 2 small balconies
Please restock what you have used (dishwashing tabs, laundry detergent, candles, etc).
Artist in Residence Norway – Finnskogen, Austmarka
Artist in Residence – Accommodation/Studio
Artist in Residence – Room 3