Resident fee
- 2 weeks (14 days x 400,-NOK) cost 5600,- NOK
- 3 weeks (21 days x 380,-NOK) cost 7980,- NOK
For stays longer than 3 weeks, send us a price request.
The maximum stay is 3 month (12 weeks) for an artist, costing 24,500 NOK.
If you need an invitation letter or a letter of intent the fee is NOK 800,- and will be sent to you upon payment.
Price for family members: NOK 850,- per person per night minimum 14 days.
In Norway we use Norwegian kroner (NOK) – here is a link to one converter.
For closing the deal of participating you must pay 25% of your stay as a non-refundable fee. Rest of the fee must be paid 4 weeks before arrival.
If you need to apply for VISA, we make individual agrements.
A non-refundable confirmation fee is due upon acceptance, which reserves the residency place.
If you apply for residency in Norway, please be aware that Norway is a high-cost country.
This house was built on the ashes of a house of prayer. A private goal, and a reason for rebuilding this house, was to open a studio for the benefit of everyone’s good. We hope to generate enough income to fulfill this goal.
Please be sure you can afford the costs and will work according to our requirements. Aside from that, all you need is good intention and an open heart.
Follow this link to get to the application form.
Remember to read FAQ carefully.